video 5min 52s
The correlation of virtual and physical world transforms, when subjected to the experience of changing human body. 
The duality of the physical and the virtual is exaggerated during the epidemic, as the process of digitisation is accelerated and the disparities come to sight. But the discrepancy becomes blurry when intertwined with a subjective recount of the quarantine experience. As the character(s) share their feelings it becomes unclear who is speaking and the line between dialogue and monologue becomes indistinct. Symptoms turn into similarities: loss of smell, taste, lack of touch, insomnia. An underlying perception of the Cloud as something sentient that observes and curates is present throughout the story. The Cloud is seen as an archive, a stalker, a carer. The video can be read as a message to it, a letter it will surely receive, adding it to the avatar’s data-body.
https://vimeo.com/617301872 (contact for password)
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